One way to participate in the campus’ marketplace of ideas is to write letters to the editor.
I encourage members of the campus community to give feedback on The Daily Reveille’s coverage as well as use letters to the editor as a way to discuss others pertinent issues.
Although The Daily Reveille strives to maintain a diverse newsroom that represents all facets of our campus community, letters to the editor allow more people to participate in our forum.
There are two ways to submit letters to the editor. The first is via our Web site – From the main page, click “Submit a Letter” on the left tool bar. Letters can also be e-mailed to [email protected]. Please put “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line.
When submitting a letter, submit a full name, year and major (if a student) and any other appropriate title that helps make the letter more credible.
Letters cannot be longer than 400 words.
We get lots of letters that we cannot run because the proper information is not included by the authors.
We print the letters as space allows. If we feel a letter really needs to run, we’ll include it in our online edition.
—-Contact Justin Fritscher at [email protected].
Letter from the Editor: Participating in the marketplace of ideas
February 26, 2008