Happy Thursday, everyone! Here’s your last bit of tech news before spring break.
1.T-Mobile finally gets the iPhone
Rejoice, T-Mobile customers — you finally get the iPhone.
(Not that it matters to the five of you who have had Android phones for years.)
On April 12, members of the carrier can get an iPhone 5 for only $100, plus $20 a month for two years and voice/text/data charges on top.
That sounds like a lot, but it’s actually much cheaper than AT&T, Verizon and Sprint’s versions.
Speaking of T-Mobile competitors, CEO John Legere asked they “stop the bullshit” with high-cost devices and two-year contracts.
“Carriers are nice to you … once every 23 months,” he joked at an event in New York City. “This is the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Do you have any idea how much you’re paying?”
Strong words for a carrier that hasn’t gained as much traction as AT&T or Verizon, but the new “UNCarrier” montra I spoke about last week could turn things around.
2. PS4 details emerge at GDC
At the annual Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Sony Computer Entertainment America Senior Staff Engineer Chris Norton revealed much information about the upcoming console.
Firstly, Norton said there will be “a very large hard drive in every console.” While that isn’t very specific, I’m assuming that’s anywhere between 500GB and 1TB.
The DualShock 4 also ditches an analog D-pad for a digital one. Analog controls, though they could sense pressure, weren’t utilized by developers, according to Norton.
Additionally, every PS4 will come with a headset in the box, hopefully bringing the Playstation Network into the year 2006, when voice chat was assumed to be included with every console.
That’s all the news for this week! I’ll probably post an update next week, but check back April 8 for the next regularly-scheduled Tech with Taylor.