A leisure pool in the shape of LSU, the longest indoor recreational running trail, triple the amount of cardio and weight space — all these plans and more fit within the student-agreed budget of the finalized plans for the University Student Recreation Complex redesign and expansion, according to LSU Director of University Recreation Laurie Braden.
Braden said that together with the project design team, plans for the UREC renovations are on track to be completed by the 2016 academic year and have been refined to stay within the approved budget while managing to add 152,000 square feet to the currently 120,000-square-foot facility, totaling 272,000 square feet at completion.
Phase I of the UREC redesign and expansion project will begin shortly after May 15 and is set to be completed by Nov. 1, Braden said.
Phase I includes expanding the fields at River Road, going from the current three fields to an eight field multi-sport complex.
But Braden said some alternative plans will have to be made to accommodate club and intramural sports while the new fields grow in. Teams will be able to use University High School fields and other fields around the Baton Rouge area to continue to play.
Also under Phase I, the outdoor adventure course on River Road will move across the street from the front of the current UREC.
Following Phase I, work will begin over the summer to add 360 additional two-hour parking spaces for UREC visitors, which Braden said will be enforced, along with the construction of new tennis courts.
Phase II of the project will begin in January 2014 and is scheduled to be completed 12 to 14 months from when that construction begins, Braden said.
Phase II includes the expansion and redesign work that will take place within and around the current UREC facility.
These plans include the addition of four indoor basketball courts and the restriping of the current four courts within the UREC, along with the two additional multi-activity courts, making a total of 10 court spaces.
Braden said the running trail will potentially be the longest indoor collegiate recreational running trail complete with inclines and slopes.
“You will run four laps around eight basketball courts for a mile and that is not counting the part that weaves through the fitness area,” Braden said.
Once Phase II is complete, the UREC will have 44,000 square feet of cardio space compared to its current 13,000 square feet, a leisure pool, an additional entrance on the east side of the building, opposite from the current main UREC entrance that will remain the same, along with renovations to the current indoor pool and more.
“There will be times during construction when we will have to make accommodations and move equipment around, but we will never stop serving students,” Braden said.
The student fee, which is currently $65 a semester, will go into effect in July and will grow each semester until it caps at $200 per semester.
“It is essentially $40 a month,” Braden said.
Braden also said it is important to honor her commitment to students that they will be allowed to use the UREC for as many semesters as they paid for it in the event they graduate before it is completed.
“Even though students may not have the full advantage of using the facility right away, they are leaving a legacy. They are making LSU better and that is the thing that is really exciting,” Braden said.
“Even though students may not have the full advantage of using the facility right away, they are leaving a legacy. They are making LSU better and that is the thing that is really exciting.”