EDITOR’S PICK: Drake, “Girls Love Beyoncé”
October’s Very Own
If you sample “Say My Name” by Destiny’s Child, you damn well better do it right. Canadian bro rap king Drake tries to pull this off with his latest single, “Girls Love Beyoncé,” but the effort mostly falls flat. Drake sounds uninspired with his nasally delivery that feels more rushed and offbeat here than usual. Even the prodution sounds a bit off, with soulful background cooing being drowned out by stereotypically heavy bass and Drizzy’s voice. Invoking one of Beyoncé songs, and perhaps a best hit for Destiny’s Child, comes off as gimmicky, a ploy to get tweets and top Google search results. This isn’t helped by how underwhelmingly average “Girls Love Beyoncé” is. A note to rich attractive people: please stop complaining about not being able to find a boo you’re “really into.” No one’s convinced — just bored.