Four former Louisiana governors will speak at a panel discussion at 1 p.m. today in the rotunda of the Business Education Complex in honor of PAISA Day, hosted by the LSU Public Administration Institute and the Public Administration Institute Student Association.
Kathleen Blanco, Edwin Edwards, Murphy “Mike” Foster and Buddy Roemer will discuss “not only the past four years but where they see our state and local governments operating in the future,” as PAI Director Jim Richardson said in a news release.
The panel will be moderated by Jim Engster, host of “The Jim Engster Show.”
“This will be a very rare event, regarding the four governors’ panel,” Richardson said in the release. “It will be just one of the many highlights for us on that day.”
Video of the governors’ panel discussion will be streamed live online.
The PAI’s MPA Alumnus of the Year Award will also be given out at the event to Patrick Goldsmith, the release states, who currently serves as the director of the House Fiscal Division for the Louisiana House of Representatives.
While the first floor is reserved for invited guests, students and the general public are welcome to standing room on the second and third floors.