Aging scene kids everywhere can rejoice: Fall Out Boy is back, ridiculously long song titles and all.
A stompy, shouty, 3-and-a-half minute wailer with a heavy beat, “My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light ‘Em Up)” takes itself much more seriously than the typical FOB song, an obvious effort to show that the band has matured during its three-year hiatus.
For all its questionable parts — the over-the-top scream of “I’m on fire” in the chorus, the PTSD flashbacks to middle school emo phases inevitably triggered by Patrick Stump’s unmistakably nasal voice — the song itself is ultimately too catchy to hate.
FOB’s songwriting and production have evolved to enough suit what is current in music that “My Songs” is listenable, even for those with no attachment to the band. Plus, the music video has 2 Chainz in it.