As Halloween approaches, you’re probably in the market for a new costume.
However, shopping for a costume isn’t quite the same as it used to be. Once parties and taking shots replaced trick-or-treating and mountains of candy, many girls began using Halloween costumes as a chance to bear a little more skin than they usually would. Actually, make that a lot more skin than usual.
While attempts to sexify Halloween may be reasonable in some circles (dressing up as a sexy dominatrix is totes acceptable at a 50 Shades of Grey Halloween party), most of the time it’s just tacky.
Let’s take a look at a few of the worst “sexy” Halloween costumes:
1.Sexy fruit
Because nothing says “sexy” like an orange slice, amirite?
2. Sexy Fast Food
Because apparently greasy is sexy, you guys.
3. Sexy cartoon characters
Excuse me for a moment while I try to resuscitate the innocence of my childhood.
4. Sexy Sesame Street
5. Sexy animals
Someone call PETA!
If you’re looking for me on Halloween, I will be properly celebrating with the rest of the ogres, witches, and ghosts.
(Costume photos: