Tucked away in the Coates basement and stuck on the outskirts of Patrick F. Taylor, LSU Career Services is getting creative in its outreach to students as it awaits the April 2014 completion of its new, centralized office in the old Student Union bookstore.
In order to reach students, Career Services is holding month long activities to celebrate National Career Development Month.
Kicking off the festivities today, Career Services has teamed up with LSU Dining to provide free popcorn to students passing through Free Speech Ally, said Mary Feduccia, the director of Career Services.
Kenissa McKay, communications manager for Career Services, said Career Services employees and career peers-student career counselors- will also be on hand to provide students with valuable advice about how to look for jobs and internship, and to educate students on the resources Career Services has to offer.
“For students returning next spring, it is time to start thinking about internships, and for those graduating, now is the time to finalize your last résumé as a student,” McKay said.
Also, as part of National Career Development month, Nov. 11-15 will be recognized by Career Services as Nation Career Development week, during which the career peers will set up informational tables throughout campus to provide readily accessible information and advice to students seeking employment, internships and tips on résumé building.
“This is an effort to try to reach out to other schools and colleges on campus,” McKay said. “We have to be on their mind because where we are located is not the most centralized location.”
McKay said she is most excited about the offices finally being together again in order to provide more convenient service to students.
“It is going to be completely different, but yet the services are going to remain the same.” McKay said.
“We have to be on their mind because where we are located is not the most centralized location.”
Career Services kicks off National Career Month
October 31, 2013