October is upon us! And the greatest holiday season of the year is here! Halloween, bitches! Now personally, I start planning my Halloween costume on November 1st, but not everyone is as fanatical as me, so I’m here to help! Every Tuesday this month, my blog will be full of A+ costume ideas. This week I took inspiration from TV. So sit back, relax with some Halloween candy, and let me do the brainstorming for you this year!
American Horror Story
There is a ton of costume inspiration waiting to be taken from the past two seasons of American Horror Story. But lets look past latex suits and nun habits for a second, because the third season has the chicest costuming yet. The promo where all the girls walk up to that gorgeous New Orleans house looking FIERCE is everything. And the outfit is beyond easy to replicate. You probably already have it in your closet. A white oxford, black skirt, floppy hat, and fabulous pair of booties is really all you need.
Breaking Bad
Ok, confession time. I have never seen an episode of Breaking Bad. I know. I KNOW. But this image is so iconic, that even a non-watcher like myself would recognize it instantly. And it seemed silly to leave it off the list, since it just had one of the biggest series finales ever of all time. Just make sure you’ve got a green button-down with your tighty-whiteys. Wouldn’t want anyone to mistake this costume for Risky Business.
Game of Thrones
You will take what is yours with fire and blood! Purple maxi dress, blond wig. Done. Walk around yelling ‘my sun and my stars!’ ‘I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, khaleesi to Drogo’s riders, and queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.’ Bonus: if you have a dog, Petsmart has great puppy dragon costumes. Bring your pup to the Halloween party, let it loose, and start yelling ‘WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS?’ Double bonus: if you’re a dude and go in Daenerys drag. That would be awesome!
Orange is the New Black
This has got to be the easiest and most comfortable costume of all time. Cheap too! Order a pair of scrubs, bust out those trust Toms and carry around a screwdriver in your pocket. And this costume is sure to be a conversation starter. There was not one person this summer who didn’t ask me what I thought of OITNB. If you haven’t seen it yet, what are you waiting for?
Pretty Little Liars
This is my personal favorite costume on this list. It’s easy: red trench, blonde wig, sketchy attitude. It’s sexy: legs for days, y’all. It’s creepy: especially if you can find an Allison mask. And it would make a great group costume! Get some girlfriends together and go as the A Team. Leave little notes as ‘A’ everywhere. The truth won’t set you free bitches, and I’m going to bury you with it. Kisses -A