Grade: D-
It appears that The Biebz is trying show that he has matured as artist by becoming a Drake impersonator. On his new release “Heartbreaker,” Justin Bieber mumbles his way through a tuneless attempt at a slow jam that The Weeknd could probably fart out while sleeping off a coke bender. The production isn’t terrible, but it’s not catchy or engaging. It’s soulless, and not even in the fun, bubblegum pop sort of way. Stick around to the 2:30 mark to feel profoundly uncomfortable while Bieber talk-raps to you in his tenderest barely-legal lothario voice about “all the imperfections about who I am” as if you are the prettiest Belieber on the tour bus. The bottom line is that this is a song designed for the bedroom, and the only person who’s ever going to have sex to it is Justin Bieber himself.