Grade: D
Yes, I went 3-D to get the full experience. No, you should not. Save the 3-D glasses. The One Direction boys are already three dimensional. That part is not a scam, but after the millionth screaming teenage girl with tears running down her face — the first of which occurs about ten minutes in — you’re going to want to leave. The film is bearable if viewed as a comedy, but that’s obviously not it’s intention. Even worse, the movie gives almost no information on who the band actually is. The entire film was a concert documentary following shows and focusing on fans, dragging on and on without telling the audience anything new. I’m not even sure of where each boy went to school, if any of them have siblings or what their favorite anything is — all of which are answers I’d expect from a movie with “This Is Us” in the title.
Review: “One Direction: This Is Us”
By Sarah Nickel
September 4, 2013