Finding love through digital means such as dating websites and apps has become a growing trend in recent years. Despite the technological trend, MTV is in the process of creating a new show which will be the “antidote to online dating.”
Damon Furberg, supervising casting director for MTV, described the show as a combination of a reality series, competition and dating show.
He said MTV is currently casting for the show and is looking for contestants who are at least 21 years old and look between ages 21 to 24. He also went on to say the type of personality he looks for in contestants.
“For any reality show, of course, we’re looking for people who are charismatic and good storytellers, and who are open. So they have to be open, you know, about who they are and what goes on in their life. For this show specifically, what we’re looking for are people who are, you know, genuinely a catch dating-wise, you know, but for whatever reason they just sort of haven’t been able to find that person, you know. So you’re looking for that person who… the best way I can put it is, you know, if you’ve got that friend that, you know, is like attractive and has all kinds of stuff going on and everybody is always saying ‘I can’t believe you’re single’ Why? We’re looking for that can’t believe you’re single person.”
Furberg explained the new show will mix 15 women with 15 men from across the country to live together in a house for about six weeks. The catch is the participants will each have an ideal match in the house with them, but they have to figure out for themselves which roommate is their soul mate.
Compatibility of the contestants will be determined through testing and expert matchmakers, according to Furberg.
The show will award the couple or couples who correctly discover their matches a cash prize and a chance of relationship bliss. Unlike many reality competition series, there will be no eliminations, Furberg said.
In an interesting turn, MTV will be taking on a show that takes an adverse stance to online dating despite the popularity of “Catfish: The TV Show.”
Furberg expressed his concerns about online dating.
“It’s really easy to meet people, what’s hard is —you know it’s easy to meet lots of people. What’s hard is meeting the right person. And in a way, even though dating has become quicker and more accessible and you have access to more people. It’s almost made it harder instead of easier. So this is kind of the idea of let’s clear all that away and really like put the right people in front of each other and see what happens.”
The untitled show will be making its small screen debut at the end of this year or in the beginning of 2014, according to Furberg.
Those interested in becoming contestants can apply under the casting section.
Contestants wanted for new MTV dating show
August 29, 2013