The Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation is conducting an evaluation of the University’s bus system Feb. 5 to 7.
The goal of the evaluation is to determine what kind of service students want, what technology they are looking for in a bus system and what they would be willing to pay for advanced bus services, said Gary Graham, the director of the Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation.
Graham said a transportation consultant is coming to help evaluate the current bus system.
Graham said his department, together with Student Government, has organized forums for students to express to the consultant what they envision for a new bus system.
The open forums will be Monday at 2 and 6 p.m. in the Student Union International Room.
Graham said students should expect a survey about the bus system in the coming week and students are encouraged to attend the forums to talk with the consultant.
Editor’s note: This article has been corrected. Originally, The Daily Reveille reported that the evaluation began Feb. 4.