The Student Government Temp Governing Document committee met Tuesday night for its biweekly session in an attempt to amend and finalize an official constitution.
Though there were several proposed amendments, three truly dominated the conversation. One involved the SG Presidential term.
“I think one of our biggest substantial changes this meeting would be changing the term limits of President to where a President would not only be restricted to one term but that they could actually serve for two terms so that they have the opportunity to make a positive change for this campus,” said Brianna Crabtree, the Chair of the Temp Governing Document committee.
The committee also talked about the terms of impeachment, as they proposed to make the change from 10 members of the student Senate to 25 percent of the Senate with regards to voting on impeachment of the President.
One final topic that was heavily covered involved the increase of the election board composition from five to seven members.
“Voter turnout is obviously a big deal,” Crabtree said. “If we have seven members, we’d be able to have voting stations during election time to where students won’t have to go home on their computers. They can just walk past a voting station and cast their ballots for President.”
The committee will meet again on July 9, and they will continue in the process of creating a definite constitution.