Edwin K. Hunter, founder of Free Speech Alley, was recognized today by the LSU Speech and Debate team as an outstanding alumni.
Hunter gave a lecture on the founding of Free Speech Alley as well as the challenges he faced when trying to create it.
When Hunter was a student in 1961, the original Free Speech Alley was located in an alley between the theatre and Union. The alley has since been moved, but Hunter’s vision remains an important part of LSU’s campus.
Hunter explained that LSU in the 1960s was not as friendly to free speech as it is now. He stated that he was able to convince the Dean of Men to approve the project since he was distantly related to the Dean.
Hunter’s original idea was that the alley would serve as a place for spontaneous discussions. He said he modeled it after Hyde Park, but found that students didn’t take to the idea as quickly as he thought.
To try and start discussions in Free Speech Alley, Hunter, then a member of the LSU Debate team, would seed the alley with debaters. These debaters would give controversial speeches in hopes of creating a conversation.
Hunter explained that it took some priming to get the idea of Free Speech Alley started, but he also states that students shouldn’t shy away from doing the same now to get more diverse viewpoints speaking.
Hunter would like to see the Speech Department reclaim Free Speech Alley and send agents to bring up other topics for students to think about.
He explains that Free Speech Alley makes people critically examine propositions, especially if hecklers challenge them.
He stated that his passion for free speech comes from his experience on the LSU Speech and Debate team because he found that speech and debate are very important in regards to how the government functions.
He believes that formal speech programs, such as debate, are helpful for more educated discussions and advises that students look into these programs, so that they learn to persuade people rather than try to influence them.
Founder of Free Speech Alley Honored
March 12, 2014
Edwin Hunter, founder of Free Speech Alley, returned to LSU on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 to recieve the Outstanding Alumnus Award from the LSU’s Mixon Lycaeum Speech and Debate Team.