“I think bringing this dream to the stage will inspire a lot of people and bring the community together.” Justin Rayna, creator of “Legend City”
Musician, dancer and stuntman Justin Rayna came to Baton Rouge in pursuit of a dream. Famous musicals, like “Stomp” and “In the Heights” that incorporated nontraditional elements like acrobatics into their shows, inspired Rayna, he vowed to one day inspire others with his own talents.
Seven years later, his dream may finally come true.
Rayna is bringing his vision to life with “Legend City,” a no-holds barred musical that runs like a cross among “Rent,” the stage percussion show “Blast” and Cirque Du Soleil’s “Alegria.”
“For the first three years of this project, I just wanted to make a concert, but as the project got bigger, we decided it’d be more interesting to make a musical, and we haven’t looked back,” Rayna said.
“Legend City” tells the story of two artists, Grace and Chance, who struggle to strike a balance between loving each other and pursuing their respective dreams. The challenges Rayna and his colleagues faced in their own lives heavily inspired this musical.
“The show is really about learning how to be whole on your own,” Rayna said.
The story begins early in the year and ends during Christmas. Rayna described the musical not as a Christmas story, but as one that is nonetheless influenced by faith.
“It’s not a bible-pushing play — we just want to show people that faith in something can be a powerful force,” Rayna said.
To this end, Rayna gathered much of the play’s talent — actors, dancers, singers and musicians — from Healing Place Church, one of Baton Rouge’s largest and thriving Christian communities.
“There are people involved in this project with decades of talent, and it’s great to have them on board,” Rayna said.
But professionals aren’t the only inhabitants of “Legend City.” In an effort to make the musical a community production, Rayna welcomes fresh new talent, and he especially wants students involved with the project.
To attract industry newcomers, Rayna intends to establish a program with both magnet schools and colleges in Louisiana where students can contribute to “Legend City” in some capacity and receive school credit.
“We need dancers, tech people – anyone who has any talent is welcome to join the project,” Rayna said.
If everything runs according to schedule, “Legend City” is slated to premiere at the BREC Independence Park Theater this November. It will be funded with a variety of fundraisers, including an ongoing Kickstarter campaign.
“I think bringing this dream to the stage will inspire a lot of people and bring the community together,” Rayna said.
For more information on “Legend City,” email Justin Rayna at [email protected], or visit the site at kickstarter.com/projects/firstkeycreations/legend-city-the-musical.
New musical comes to life in Baton Rouge
By Panya Kroun
May 1, 2014