With mobile games constantly growing in popularity, one former University student has developed his own piece of the pie.
Hakeem Hasan, former University student and CEO of Nasah Apps, created MoWo.
Hasan said it took him about three weeks to complete the app, which came out in early January.
“Phones are more mainstream now, and I wanted to contribute to that environment,” Hasan said.
Hasan said developers feel it is more likely for users to play games on a cell phone, rather than a gaming console.
“People always have their phone on them, and it’s cheaper,” Hasan said.
Hasan said MoWo is for people looking for a fresh take on word games like Scrabble or Words With Friends.
According to a Google Play review from last week, MoWo is “quick and easy” with a “nice slick interface.”
Hasan said the most difficult part of MoWo’s development process was making it possible to connect MoWo with Facebook.
Google Play reviews from early February indicated user discontent with social networking connectivity.
Since then, updates were installed to fix the Facebook login problem.
“It’s been out for about one month,” Hasan said, mentioning the app has had about 5,000 downloads.
Hasan said it is competitive for a no-name app to compete with more popular apps, especially when popular app companies have large marketing departments.
“Even if I’d never gone to college, I still could’ve put forth the effort to do this and so could anybody,” Hasan said.
It’s important to never give up or be seriously let down by any roadblocks when pursuing app development, Hasan said.
“More than likely, someone else has experienced it and found a solution,” Hasan said.
MoWo is currently available for free download at Google Play and the Android Market.
Hasan said an iPhone version may be available by summer at the earliest.
Hasan is currently completing his electrical engineering degree at the University of Alabama, where he transferred in fall 2011.
“Even if I’d never gone to college, I still could’ve put forth the effort to do this and so could anybody.”
Former student develops new app
By Renee Barrow
February 10, 2014