Grade: D
To be totally honest, the original “Robocop” is not good. But, one of the great things about movies is that they do not have to be good to be great. The campiness and fun of the original film is what made it a cult classic. This new version is not fun. It is the definition of a forced remake made only for money. The plot is boring, and the subplots about Robocop’s interaction with his family are particularly unnecessary. The attempts to recreate the original Robocop’s clunky movement in computer graphics make it look bizarre and awkward. The action sequences are completely forgettable and lack any sense of consequence. If what you’re looking for in a movie is a terrible and painfully obvious debate over free will in a situation so detached from reality that it loses all meaning, then look no further. Otherwise, I would suggest all but the biggest “Robocop” fans avoid this terrible film.
Review: Robocop
February 19, 2014