1. Less Than Zero– Elvis Costello [My Aim Is True]
2. No Action– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [This Year’s Model]
3. The Beat– Elvis Costello & The Attractions [This Year’s Model]
4. Accidents Will Happen– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Armed Forces]
5. Oliver’s Army– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Armed Forces]
6. Black & White World– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Get Happy!!]
7. Clubland– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Trust]
8. Watch Your Step– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Trust]
9. New Lace Sleeves– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Trust]
10. And in Every Home– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Imperial Bedroom]
11.Tears Before Bedtime– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Imperial Bedroom]
12. Every Day I Write the Book– Elvis Costello & The Attractions [Punch the Clock]
13. The Greatest Thing– Elvis Costello & The Attractions [Punch the Clock]
14. Veronica– Elvis Costello & the Attractions [Spike]
15. So Like Candy– Elvis Costello [Mighty Like a Rose]
16. London’s Brilliant Parade– Elvis Costello [Brutal Youth]
17. Hoover Factory (Live)– Elvis Costello [My Aim Is True (Deluxe Edition)]
Magical Mystery Tour: Elvis Costello
October 1, 2014