Com Truise is the stage name of Seth Haley, an electronic musician from Oneida, New York. Some years ago, he started using the moniker Com Truise and moved from mostly drum-and-bass to a more synthesizer-driven sound. The Daily Reveille sat down with Seth Haley to discuss the new direction of electronic music.
The Daily Reveille: Hey man. How has your tour been going so far?
Seth Haley: It’s been awesome. Traveling so much is really grueling, but the amazing shows make up for it.
TDR: So, what do you think is the most exciting thing about electronic music today?
Haley: It’s such a crazy landscape. There’s a shift happening right now where dubstep stuff and EDM stuff are really taking a back seat. I see more and more 80s synth-pop influenced sounds finding their way into the electronic music scene, and I couldn’t be happier.
TDR: What do you mean when you say “80s synth-pop?”
Haley: Well, a while back my friend kept bugging me to listen to these guys, like The Chemical Brothers and Boards of Canada. I used to hate the 80s forever, but with listening to these guys, who are really good, I got much more into melody and it’s had a huge impact on what I do.
But really, new equipment coming out for use in electronic music is most exciting thing to me.
TDR: Oh? Like what equipment in particular are you interested in right now?
Haley: I’m very excited about the new Roland analog synths. They make really good stuff and now that there’s such a trend in analog usage, they’re about to come out with a series of analog synths that I’m really excited about. A rep from the company is supposed to be sending me some equipment to test out soon.
TDR: That sounds awesome. What will you do with all of the new tools that you’ll have available? Are there any plans for a new album in the works?
Haley: Well, I have one more album in a contract with Ghostly Records. I’ve been putting together old ideas and new ideas and I hope to create all of the material for another album in November and December, hopefully to be released mid-2015.
TDR: What kind of stuff can we expect to hear from you on this new album?
Haley: Lots of collaborations with other artists. I really want to get some vocalists in the mix.
Com Truise will play at the Spanish Moon, Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. French electronic musician Rone will be opening. Tickets are $12.
Q&A: Com Truise
October 8, 2014
Com Truise
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