It’s Bowie Day across the USA! so the second half of tonight’s mix is a tribute to David Bowie complete with David before he was Bowie, my favorite Bowie covers, and Bowie covering Lou Reed. But first, some classic punk to get you moshing and noise rock to get you rocking.
Dead Kennedys “Riot” Black Flag “Nervous Breakdown” Circle Jerks “I Just Want Some Skank” The Germs “Richie Gagger’s Crime” X “Nausea” Agent Orange “Bloodstains” The Jesus Lizard “Mouth Breather” Scratch Acid “Cheese Plug” The Clash “Clampdown” The Jam “All Around the World” Urinals “Orange Anal Sin (live)” David Bowie “Queen Bitch” Davie Jones and the King Bees “Liza Jane” David Bowie’s cover of The Velvet Underground’s “I’m Waiting for the Man” The Smashing Pumpkin’s 2013 cover of “Space Oddity” Superchunk’s cover of “Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) Warpaint’s cover of “From Ashes to Ashes” Beck’s cover of “Sound and Vision” Chairlift’s cover of “Always Crashing in the Same Car” TV on The Radio feat Karen O ‘s cover of “Heores” The Horrors “Suffragette City” White Stripes’s cover of “Moonage Daydream” Seu George’s Portuguese cover of “Rock n Roll Suicide” Nirvana’s cover of “The Man Who Sold the World” David Bowie “Life on Mars”
If you want to hear your favorite punk artist or subgenre next Tuesday, Facebook me at DJ Strangelove or tweet me @DJ_Strangelove.
Remember, PUNKS NOT DEAD on 91.1 KLSU Baton Rouge