In association with the University, Swine Palace Productions will put on its first show of the 2014-15 season, an adaptation of Mary Shelley’s 1818 horror classic, “Frankenstein.”
The production, originally adapted from the novel by Victor Gialanella, is equal parts Gothic thriller, untamed romance and cautionary tale — especially harrowing now in this age of artificial intelligence and technological
The show is slated to run at the Shaver Theatre from Oct. 1 to 12, with a pay-what-you-can performance on Oct. 1, a sneak preview on Oct. 2 and two matinees on Oct. 5 and 12.
The show’s director, George Judy, who doubles as Swine Palace Productions’ artistic director, said “Frankenstein” was chosen as its opener for several reasons.
“We try to do some shows each year that are either literarily relevant or in some way connected to the school system,” Judy said. “[Frankenstein] is the most widely read novel in high school in the country, and so a lot of kids have been exposed to the story.”
“There are a lot of issues about nature versus nurture, and parenting, and how we are responsible for those most vulnerable around us. It also was the first real science fiction story, and so it’s sort of dealing with science run amok,” Judy said.
Judy, who holds a master of fine arts in acting as well as membership in the Screen Actors Guild, said the story was deemed even more relevant as science continues to grow more and more ambitious.
He said most of the company is graduate actors from around the country, as well as a few professional guest artists.
Brendan Averett, who plays the creature at the center of the chaos, is a young actor from New York City. Averett who is
6-foot-7, and about 270 pounds and was described by Judy as “a tremendous asset to the
In addition to Averett, the production will feature Tim Moriarty as Dr. Victor Frankenstein, Amanda Clark as the doctor’s love interest Elizabeth Lavenza, and Amar Atkinson as Frankenstein’s best friend from medical school Henry Clerval.
“It’s been exciting,” Judy said. “The show has some beautiful writing by Mary Shelley. It’s really fun for the whole family. There’s something
for everyone.”
Swine Palace to perform ‘Frankenstein’
September 29, 2014