“LSU’s top infrastructure priority should be addressing its near $1 billion deferred maintenance list. As much as I would love a new library, our campus isn’t getting any younger. The military science building still has wooden windows. Roofs across campus leak. We still have asbestos in floor tiles and steam vents. Mold grows openly in at least one building. Prioritizing deferred maintenance increases the campus’ longevity, address issues that reduce cost efficiency and benefits students—both in terms of health and the campus’ aesthetics. As much as the university needs a new coat of paint, we need to preserve what’s beneath it.”
Drake Brignac | @drakebrignac
“It’s easy to get excited envisioning more parking spaces and new buildings, but I think the university should prioritize the maintenance of existing infrastructure. Our sidewalks and roadways are crumbling in many areas across campus, and these are the first things visitors and potential students encounter. Filling in potholes and repairing cracked pathways would immediately elevate the appearance of our university and the experiences of those who come for tailgating and other events.”
Noah McKinney | @itsthatnoah
“A new library needs to be the central priority of every decision-maker at the university. A research library marks the center of academic knowledge on a college campus and is the outward expression of the creative works produced by the university. The library at our flagship leaves much to be desired. The university community is worthy of a library that doesn’t get banned from campus tour schedules.”
Charlie Stephens | @CharlieStephns
“I think the most important would be to have more parking, especially around the dorms. It is a safety issue whenever students have to walk far from their housing at night because there is no parking. On-campus students pay a lot of money to have a parking spot, and they should be guaranteed a parking spot near their housing.”
Kacey Buercklin | @0kacey1
“Parking should be the university’s first infrastructure priority. Several places on campus should be repaved; my tires and I would rejoice at the sight. There is also a need for an increase in the quantity of spaces. I don’t even notice a problem with anything else regarding infrastructure around the entire university.”
Frank Kidd | @FK446852315
“The amount of money LSU students pay each year on parking permits is absurd compared to the availability and quality of parking on campus. The newly constructed Camelia and Azalea residential halls have increased crowding in the parking lot that these residents share with students in both Miller and Herget halls. While these two new dorms were necessary to meet needs for on campus housing, they must also come with parking opportunities for these students. The quality of the lots we do have is atrocious, with gravel lots on the west side of campus littered with potholes, and some parking lots with lines so faded, you’re not sure what spots are legal to park in. A renovation and expansion of parking areas would be extremely beneficial to on-campus students, off-campus students and faculty.”
Mia Coco | @MiaMarieCoco1
“I may sound like a broken record, but the campus spot most in need of renovation is the LSU Library. It is one of the most popular spots on campus and used by nearly every LSU student. It is extremely outdated and not up to par with other high-tech buildings on campus. A library renovation could be a win for everyone.”
Lura Stabiler | @lstabiler3