I am writing this because of one of the printed articles that the Reveille has run recently: “Other Majors are just as difficult as STEM majors.”
This is an opinion-based article, and I understand and agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but as a Haitian-American woman majoring in mechanical engineering, this article, and more importantly its illustration, is highly offensive and discriminatory.
The illustration used is attached below because it seems as if it wasn’t reviewed before printing. This is an image of a loud-mouth female student shouting that she is in STEM with two men shouting over her with the words “shut-up” and “boo.”
As a Black female in STEM, I not only have to work twice as hard because I’m in a field dominated by white males, but I also must deal with the lack of gender and race representation within my classrooms. So yes, when asked, I proudly boast that I am in STEM because of all the hard work I do just to receive the same treatment as my male counterparts. I understand that this article was not speaking to this, but the illustration used most certainly depicts what it’s like, but instead of condemning this action, the article goes on to say why this talking down is necessary. There is no excuse for anyone, most certainly not for a male, to shout over a woman when she is saying she is in STEM.
Also, somewhere in the article, “data” was collected and suggested that on average STEM majors only study one hour more than other majors, which is very much false. For every credit hour I take, I must spend a minimum of four to six hours outside, so a three-hour course becomes about 15 hours a week. I am currently taking 17 hours, so in total I am doing about 50-60 hours of coursework, studying and homework a week.
Sybil Pun is a mechanical engineering junior at LSU.