Between servers going down and getting waitlisted for classes, scheduling is a stressful time for most LSU students.
I’ve been waitlisted for numerous classes that are necessary to my major. When a limited number of a certain course is offered, it can be difficult to get in.
While no one should expect perfection from a university, it’s upsetting to deal with the same issues every time scheduling occurs, especially while attending a university with so much money.
Kinesiology senior Gillian Aguilera said she always feels stressed during scheduling and finds the process to be difficult.
“To be honest we shouldn’t be building our own schedules, LSU has enough money to hire people or get the internet to do it,” she said.
Aguilera said it’s unacceptable that the servers crash nearly every time she has tried to schedule at LSU.
Many students have the same experience with the server crashing right when it’s their turn to schedule.
She also feels priority scheduling can be upsetting, especially when a freshman gets priority over upperclassmen.
Aguilera was waitlisted in the fall and didn’t get into a class. She thinks a solution could be hiring more professors.
“Every semester classes are full within the first week, so why not pay for more professors?” she said.
If the university hired more professors, it could have more sections of required classes, and students wouldn’t have to deal with being waitlisted.
After scheduling for the spring semester, I’m waitlisted for a class that many others in my major are waitlisted for as well. There are only four sections of the course offered, but if more professors were hired, more students could take the class.
Bridget Robicheaux, director of student services at the University Center for Advising and Counseling, said UCAC “strives to provide multiple opportunities for students to prepare for scheduling and registration.”
The university offers individual advising appointments, drop-in meetings, pre-registration email communication, University Center for Freshman Year group advising workshops and UCFY website scheduling resources to aid in students scheduling, Robicheaux said.
“It is important for students to closely monitor their LSU email as important information regarding scheduling/registration as well as advising opportunities/resources are sent via email,” she said.
She recommends that students seek advising appointments early and to check for scheduling holds on their account before their scheduling day to ensure a smoother experience.
While from a student perspective hiring more professors seems to be an easy solution for classes filling up, Robicheaux said that course offerings are determined by each individual department and so are hiring choices.
It also seems like a good solution to hire someone to focus solely on scheduling; however, she said LSU offers professional advisors and faculty advisors to assist students in understanding university policies and to support students’ academic careers. With so many staff focused on advising students, there’s not necessarily a need to hire more people just for scheduling, but this could be a good option as class sizes continue to grow each year.
Though there’s no quick fix to all of LSU’s scheduling problems, it’s nice to see things from a different perspective and understand what LSU is doing to help students throughout their years on campus.
Still, that might not stop students from dreading another “server is full” or waitlist message.
Kate Beske is a journalism sophomore from Destrehan.
Opinion: Scheduling classes at LSU is more stressful than it needs to be
By Kate Beske
November 20, 2022
Schedule Request Graphic