Ever wondered what it would be like if Taylor Swift went to LSU?
The account @swiftiesoflsu is a fan page for Taylor Swift run by a current LSU student. The account posts Taylor Swift and LSU themed content, like a photoshopped image of Swift at an LSU football game, wearing a No. 13 jersey.
Taylor Swift is a superstar who has been in the music industry since 2006 when her first album came out. Her fans call themselves “Swifties” and are known as one of the most loyal fan bases out there.
The owner of the account said she has been a Swiftie since she was 6 years old. The first CD she ever bought was Swift’s album, “Fearless.”
“I’ve been hooked ever since,” the account runner said.
After seeing similar college-and-Swift paired accounts, like @swiftiesofucf, the account runner decided to create her own LSU themed account. Swifties of LSU made its first post in January of 2022.
One of the account’s most popular posts is “Taylor Swift songs as majors at LSU,” which assigns different areas of study to different Taylor Swift songs.
The captions of the posts often play off Swift’s song lyrics.
“One of my favorite things about Taylor is her ability to write lyrics that are so thought out and paint a story so beautifully,” the Swifties of LSU account runner said.
Swift has been praised for her songwriting abilities. Rolling Stone named her one of the greatest songwriters of all time. Swift has 11 Grammy awards. On top of that, she is one of three artists, and the only woman, to ever win Album of the Year three times.
The Swifties of LSU account brings fans on campus together to form a community where they can talk about Swift’s music, news, and just have fun. The account has over 500 Swiftie followers and counting.
“I love seeing the community of Swifties at LSU and being able to talk to them about our shared love for Taylor,” the account runner said.
Being a college student and running a fan account on social media can make life busy, but the account runner said she enjoys having a place to share her passion with her fellow Swifties.
“It has given me an outlet to explore my creative side a bit more, which is a nice stress relief,” she said.
Swifties of LSU: College student creates a Taylor Swift and LSU themed Instagram account
September 26, 2022
Swifities of LSu Graphic