Why did you join the Reveille?
I joined the Reveille because I wanted to play a part in the extremely important and well-oiled machine that is student media!
What positions have you held at the Reveille?
I have been a copy editor and chief designer.
What’s your favorite thing about working at the Reveille?
The team of people I work with are so helpful, fun and passionate about their jobs and I love being a part of that.
What’s your favorite story that you’ve worked on so far?
I wrote a story last summer where I visited and rated a few snowball stands in Baton Rouge, which was a delicious task!
What do you hope to do after graduation?
I’m not sure exactly where I want to end up after graduation, but I hope I can work on political campaigns with like-minded, passionate people who want to support common goals.
Where can you be found on social media?
Twitter: @3mmaduh3_
Instagram: 3mmaduh3_