Is this your first time living with someone who isn’t in your family? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’ve known each other for years or you’ve only just met, fostering a good home environment with roommates can be difficult. Don’t be discouraged if you feel you haven’t clicked yet. Between classes and busy schedules, you have to put in effort if you want to form a close relationship with the person you share a living space with in college. Here is a list of 10 ways to become closer with your roommate.
1. Movie night
Movie nights are a great way to spend time with your roommate. By picking a movie to watch, you can enjoy each other’s company without having to make small talk. Movies are a great way to figure out common interests, too. Adding in movie snacks can also give you something to talk about. Because who doesn’t like M&M’s?
2. Book swap
For avid readers, or those who would prefer to disconnect from technology, a book swap can allow you and your roommate to explore each other’s interests. Not everyone likes to talk about themselves. So, to share your likes and dislikes you can exchange your favorite books and talk about them afterward. It also introduces you to new themes and stories that you might not have thought about reading before.
3. Get coffee
Getting coffee is a great way to get to know someone in a comfortable environment. Highland Coffees, 3350 Highland Rd., is right off campus and a fun place to study and hang out with your roommate. The relaxed environment and tasty beverages make it easy to talk to each other. There are tons of other coffee shops that have similar ambiances on and off campus as well. Give them all a chance and maybe you and your roommate can find a new favorite spot.
4. Explore campus
LSU’s campus spans over 2,000 acres. Every road and turn leads to new, exciting locations that are worth exploring. The campus is beautiful and has great spots to take pictures for your social media. And, if you are still trying to figure out where everything is, walking with your roommate can make it more enjoyable and less of a chore.
5. Talk about your day
A brief discussion about your day may seem mundane, but it gives you a good introduction into a more engaging conversation. For instance, if you both have a class with the same professor or in the same building, you might share common opinions about those things, whether positive or negative.
6. Take a class at the UREC
The LSU University Recreation Center is free for LSU students, so take advantage of that and go check it out with your roommate. If there is a group class you really enjoy, ask your roommate to join you the next time you go. It’s always nice to have someone to hold you accountable for keeping a routine at the gym.
7. Twenty-one questions
Twenty-one questions is a game where two people ask each other questions back and forth. It doesn’t have to stop at 21 questions, either. If you get into a rhythm and want to know more about each other, it can keep going for as long as you please. It’s an easy way to get to know basic facts about each other without getting too personal.
8. Board games
Board games are always fun! Unless your game of choice is Twister, board games require little effort and create friendly competition. If it goes well, your roommate may want to play again. If it doesn’t, you know what to avoid the next time you try and do something together.
9. Try new things
If none of those things are up you or your roommate’s alley, try something new altogether! You never know if you will love or hate something until you try it, so go see a play you’ve never heard of, try a new restaurant, try knitting. Any ideas you have, you can suggest to your roommate. Worst case scenario, they say no. But you never know until you try. Just putting in the effort can go a long way.
10. Be respectful
If your roommate doesn’t want to hang out, that’s OK too. If your roommate wants to do something you aren’t interested in, don’t be afraid to decline the invitation. Not everyone is into the same things. As long as you both respect each other’s boundaries, you can still have a great experience living together. If you are both happy and comfortable, everything will run smoothly.
Strangers to roommates to maybe friends? Top 10 things to do to get to know your roommate
By Alison Agena
September 2, 2022
The Student Union buzzes with activity Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022, on LSU’s campus.