Devin Robertson
TSwift Parasocial.png
Do you have that one friend who thinks they know Taylor Swift? I don’t mean that they know her star sign, favorite food, etc. I mean, do they believe that they truly know Swift personally?
If you have one of those friends, you should reconsider that friendship. It’s one thing to admire the singer/songwriter, but it’s another thing to obsess about her to the point of defending her at all costs, especially when Swift is in the wrong.
Everybody knows that she damages the environment due to her private jet usage.
As a global sensation, Swift is known for constantly traveling worldwide to sing her songs. However, with that comes her precious private jet.
According to AP News, just for the Super Bowl alone, Swift may have released over 200,000 pounds of carbon dioxide on one flight, which is “about 14 times as much as the average American household emits in a year.”
It’s startling to hear. I don’t care if you’re a celebrity; we all have to try to take care of the environment. And her private jet usage isn’t cutting it for environmental sustainability.
The worst part of the issue is how the Swifties have defended her through it. Many have proclaimed that other celebrities’ private jet usage is more damaging to the environment.
How does that make the issue any better? Just because other celebrities are doing it doesn’t make it okay. Nobody should get slack for harming the environment.
One can understand why celebrities often choose to use their own private modes of transportation for security reasons. Nevertheless, are private jets really worth it, when their overuse continues to damage the environment? I don’t think so.
Plenty of other celebrities choose to fly commercial, yet Swift is too privileged to do so. If that doesn’t say anything about her and her fan base, I don’t know what does.
Another issue between Swifties and their relationship with Swift is their frequent overreactions to jokes between friends, including a recent “issue” between Swift and Emma Stone.
Stone was interviewed in January after receiving the Golden Globe for best actress for “Poor Things.” One interviewer asked about one of her dear friends, Swift, and Stone responded by jokingly saying, “What an asshole, am I right?”
The comment sent Swifties into an utterly ridiculous rage. If any of them did their research, they’d know that the pair have been friends for nearly two decades. I’m pretty sure they can handle occasionally calling each other rude nicknames without hurting each other’s feelings.
Swift didn’t even comment on the issue because there was no need to. She and Stone might as well be lifelong friends. A joke like that couldn’t possibly damage their relationship.
It’s strange that Swifties were more upset about the issue than Swift herself. It’s like they’re trying to protect her without actually knowing her, and it’s weird.
Let’s be honest: Swift doesn’t know you or care about your thoughts about things going on in her life. Because, again, it’s her life, not yours. Being her fan doesn’t make you a part of her life.
At the Golden Globes, Swift was nominated for the cinematic and box office achievement award for her film centered around the Eras Tour.
She didn’t win the award, and many of her fans took it personally.
Dramatic much? There’s no denying that Swift has been a powerhouse in the music industry. However, do her fans need to be big babies about her not winning one award? The answer is no.
Perhaps even more frightening than the Swifties being obsessed with her wins and losses are the job opportunities available to superfans for simply being a superfan.
According to Fox 5 Washington, D.C., London’s Victoria and Albert Museum has an opening for a Swiftie who can serve as an adviser for Swift and her fandom.
Does no one realize how creepy that is? To know a celebrity to the point that you can take a job and talk about them, their life, friends and family daily is stalker-level material.
If you don’t find that stalkerish, I don’t know what is. Sure, it’s not to the same degree as Swift filing lawsuits against people tracking her jets, but it’s up there.
I don’t care if she’s helped you with heartbreak. These parasocial relationships must stop. She will never know you, no matter how many times you stick up for her. To her, you’re just another person who will pay thousands of dollars for a concert ticket.
And for anyone who’s outraged at what I’ve said, it’s you. Hi. You’re the problem.
Jokes aside, if you feel personally insulted by this column, well, that’s the whole point. You’re your own person outside of Swift. Obsessing about every little detail of her life isn’t healthy for you or those around you.
Taylor Hamilton is a 19-year-old mass communication sophomore from Tallahassee, Florida.