Many people are already aware of the drama between Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber. But what is really going on?
The drama began with Hailey making fun of Selena’s appearance. It took no time at all for Selena’s fans to come to her defense. As they did, they began to uncover some creepily similar attributes between the two celebrities.
Is Hailey trying to become the new Selena? Here’s a rundown of the five most notable times people said Bieber has copied Gomez.
The “J” ring and the J tattoo
In 2012, Justin Bieber gifted Gomez a ring for Valentine’s Day while the two were together. In 2020, Hailey Bieber got a tattoo on her ring finger that is eerily similar to the ring Justin gave Selena.
One may say that this is looking too far into it, but the design and the script font used make it a bit suspicious on Hailey’s part.
The “g” tattoo
Gomez doesn’t have many tattoos, and each one has its own special meaning. One of these tattoos is a small cursive lowercase “g” on her neck to honor her half-sister Gracie Teefey, born in 2013.
Bieber also has a neck tattoo of a small cursive “g.” She says the tattoo is for her pastor’s daughter Georgia who was born with lissencephaly.
Unfortunately, the Instagram post with the image of the tattoo has been taken down so it is uncertain of the date she got the tattoo. But, it is there.
The cooking shows
In 2020, Gomez starred in the culinary show “Selena + Chef.” The show has four seasons and has an overall rating of 8.4/10 on
Two months ago, in January of 2023, Bieber came out with a YouTube video titled “making breakfast two ways | what’s in my kitchen?” She then came out with another video in this series titled “pao de queijo with my mom & nana | what’s in my kitchen?” one month ago.
It’s not a crime to start a cooking show. However, with all the drama going on it people were shocked that she decided to start this series while Gomez’s show is doing well.
“My heart”
In an interview, Gomez said she wished the one thing people knew about her was her heart.
On “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” unprompted, Bieber begins to copy Gomez’s sentiment and say that the one thing she wants people to know about her is her heart.
This seemed like a strange thing to both have in common. Especially when there is already evidence of one copying the other.
These interviews, and a few other commonalities, are compiled into a short video on
Five years ago, Gomez did the 73 Questions interview with Vogue. When asked what was on her bucket list, she said she wanted to jump out of something. Most people assumed jumping out of something implied skydiving.
Then a year later, Bieber did the same interview and said that one thing she has always wanted to do was go skydiving. Another odd commonality between the two.
Both of these videos can be found on YouTube by searching 73 Questions With Selena Gomez | Vogue – YouTube or 73 Questions With Hailey Bieber | Vogue – YouTube.
Aside from these five similarities, there are still many more that are being uncovered and talked about all over social media. TikTok’s pointing out new similarities are posted every day.
Are these are all just a bunch of weird coincidences, or is Hailey Bieber trying to turn herself into Selena Gomez? The debate rages on.