For the first time ever, all six branch heads of LSU’s Student Government are women.
Anna Cate Strong and Gigi Powers made history this month when they became LSU’s first female duo to take the student body presidency and vice presidency. Now, the rest of upper SG leadership marks another first.
It’s a change of pace for an organization where leadership has historically been dominated by men. Strong will replace current officer-holder Lizzie Shaw, who, last year, became the first female student body president in 15 years at LSU.
“The idea of having women in the top six positions in Student Government is amazing to me, because I see it as a testament to how hard these women have worked for this campus,” Strong said.
These are the new SG leaders:
Speaker of the Student Senate: Emma Bruney
Speaker Pro Tempore: Emma Long
Chief justice of the University Court: Madison Latiolais
Deputy chief justice: Camille Cronin
LSU Student Government has its first all-female leadership lineup in history
April 26, 2023
Innovate ticket heads Gigi Powers (left) and Anna Cate Strong (right) listen on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, during a Student Government judicial proceeding in the LSU Student Union on Highland Road in Baton Rouge, La.