Erin Barker
A sign reading “Construction Ahead” sits on Friday, Jan. 27, 2023, on Tower Drive on LSU's campus in Baton Rouge, La.
Summer semester has arrived at LSU with three new on-campus construction projects in-hand. According to an informational email sent by LSU Parking and Transportation Services, the projects will break ground in late May and will affect parking, traffic and certain Tiger Trails bus routes until August.
The email provided further details on what to expect from each project. You can find the details below, and also see an interactive map with the construction zones on campus marked.
Union Bus Hub
Construction on the previously closed lot behind the Union on South Campus Drive will follow the May to August timeline and leave parking unaffected. Pedestrian traffic could be affected due to the lot’s proximity to walkways around the Union.
Fieldhouse Drive
The stretch of Fieldhouse Drive reaching from South Campus Drive to Hatcher Hall will be under construction until August, at which point it will reopen for through traffic only. Parking and Transportation Services intends to reach out to anyone who parks in the area with information about alternative parking places.
After only accepting through traffic during the fall semester, Fieldhouse Drive will close indefinitely in December 2023.
The Quad/Coates C Lot
Even the Quad will have its fair share of work done throughout the summer. Pedestrian Traffic as well as parking in Coates C Lot will be heavily affected. Those with a parking pass for the lot can expect an email from Parking and Transportation Services with instructions on where to park without the C Lot.
Quad construction is also expected to finish by August.
For information about how the projects will affect Tiger Trails routes, bus riders are advised to check the Transloc app regularly. Any changes in route will be reflected in the app.
In addition to the new ones, there are also several ongoing construction projects around campus
According to Parking and Transportation Services, the Human Ecology C Lot, Nuclear Science C Lot and Howe Russell Lot are all also being worked on. Additionally, renovations on and around the Ogden Honors College are still in progress, affecting pedestrian traffic near South Campus Drive.