“Bluey” is an Australian children’s cartoon show about a family of blue heeler dogs. The show has somehow struck a chord with older audiences, especially those in their late teens and early twenties.
The show regularly tops the trending charts of streaming platforms like Disney+ and was on the cover of one Australia’s biggest fashion magazines, InStyle. The hashtag “bluey” has reached over 4.4 billion views on TikTok.
What caused this fascination with a cartoon show about dogs?
Many people’s first introduction to the show was through TikTok. Clips of the cartoon, with mobile games playing underneath, would appear on users’ For You pages.
Whether the algorithm knew that this show would resonate with older viewers or not, the show is becoming massively popular.
A lot of young children are watching the show now; young adults working in education, or other places where children’s shows play, are finding the cartoon as well.
When asked what made the show enjoyable, Corey Rowland, a fan of the show, said that for many individuals, the show “heals their inner child”.
“I like that it’s a really progressive kids show,” Rowland said.
A lot of popular shows that were released in the early 2000s did not involve close family relationships. In shows like “Dora the Explorer” and “SpongeBob SquarePants”, there often were no parental characters, and the situations were unrealistic.
In “Bluey”, the characters are involved in relatable situations happening in the real world.
One of the most popular episodes of “Bluey”, “Hospital”, involves the kids pretending to be doctors. The kids do not get transported to a mythical world; instead, they are in the living room using toys and imagination to make up scenarios for their game.
For others, “Bluey” is popular because of its positive outlook. Media can often come across as negative and bleak, so it can be a nice change to watch something wholesome. The characters may encounter bad situations, but they resolve them in healthy ways.
One episode that resonates with young adults is “Fancy Restaurant”. Brennan Paulus, a fan of the show, said that this episode reminds adults that having children will not ruin their relationship with their partner.
In the episode, the kids setting up a date night for their parents. The dinner is terrible, because the children don’t know how to cook properly, but it ends up being okay. The dinner still brings the parents together; they enjoy quality time together while watching their children do something special for them.
This serves as a reminder to audiences that healthy couples exist; children aren’t accountable for what makes or breaks a relationship. The adults are responsible for finding the spark that ignites their love for one another.
“I feel like ‘Bluey’ encourages children to use imagination,” Paulus also said.
“Bluey” reignites a spark of creativity in its viewers. The show reminds its audience, old and young, of how to use their imagination.
The kind, welcoming community of young adult viewers is another reason that more young adults are drawn to “Bluey.” People all over TikTok share these videos, create stuffed animals and decorate cakes to share Bluey with the community.
Paulus described the show as, “something lighthearted, fun and easy to consume.”
“Bluey” appeals to almost everyone and is beneficial for people of any age.
Whether recovering from past traumas or looking for something lighthearted to watch, “Bluey” has clearly found an audience in young adults.