As students at LSU and connoisseurs of its culture, nothing is more important than being familiar with the school’s defining landmarks. Highland Coffees, situated at 3350 Highland Road, has more than earned its spot in the pantheon of places to be.
The coffee shop has been providing students of all ages and concentrations with a spot to kick back and chat or crack down and work since 1989. Its location makes it walkable from most places on campus, and its laid-back atmosphere makes it all too easy to spend an hour or two in.
READ MORE: College grind turns LSU students into regular coffee drinkers— but when is it too much?
These factors have made visiting the coffee shop an almost ubiquitous experience among LSU students. Take 10 students from the Quad, and you’ll be lucky if half of them haven’t been at least once.
After our first foray into food reviewing at Louie’s Cafe earlier this semester, the Reveille opinion section deemed it high time to check another campus essential off the list.
What follows is a chronicle of our experience at Highland Coffees.
Nathaniel Dela Pena | @NateDerDoner
From the beginning, I’ve loved Highland Coffees’ chill vibes and study atmosphere. I’ve been an occasional enjoyer of the place, and I’ve tried most of their coffees and pastries. I was excited to go with the opinion section, so I’d have a reason to give an official review of the well-known cafe located just outside of campus.
Since there were wonderful cloudy vibes that Friday, we picked a table outside. I found it a perfect place to have a conversation with the opinion section. I’ll give Highland a nine out of 10 for its atmosphere.
Drink-wise, my biggest mistake was ordering a “frozen blended coffee drink” and leaving the flavor up to the barista. I know them personally, so I’m really sorry if you’re reading this right now, but I value impartiality in my reviews. They made me a strawberry mocha frozen blended coffee. The drink was hard to stomach, but since I paid around $7 for it, I drank all of it. I’d give it a three out of 10; the strawberry flavor was in the shadow of the potent mocha flavor.
Given Starbucks’ unfair treatment of its workers and affinity for union-busting techniques, I’m proud to divert my hard earned money to Highland Coffees. The strawberry mocha was one bad experience in a sea of many great experiences. And service from the baristas is always great, so be sure to always leave them a tip!
Overall, I’d give Highland Coffees a solid seven out of 10.
Garrett McEntee | @9are_bear
Highland Coffees is a place near and dear to me (I go there about once a week), so when I was told we’d be reviewing it, I was prancing around giddy with joy. That being said, I don’t go to Highland for the coffee or the tea. I go to Highland so I can be an annoying, wannabe-aesthetic English major.
The building is cutesy. It’s got a clown car effect; it looks tiny on the outside but is huge on the inside. The eclectic small business look suits the cafe.
The staff makes me want to rip my hair out. They’re all so cool. I want to see their Pinterest boards. Every employee is made in the image of an indie manic pixie loser dream boat. And if that doesn’t make you want to buy a coffee, what will?
It made me want to buy a coffee, so on the staff coffee date, I got a white chocolate mocha (hot) and a shot of espresso. The mocha was actually the best coffee I’ve had to date from the establishment, which is genuinely shocking to me because I’ve never enjoyed a drink from Highland. Eight out of 10.
The espresso shot wasn’t lovely, but I don’t think they’re supposed to be. All in all, it went down smooth, if not slightly reminiscent of a plastic-wrapped honey bun, post-nuke in a microwave. Five out of 10.
My final thoughts are this—I love Highland Coffees. I love going and people watching and trying and failing to be mysterious and ethereal. I haven’t always loved the drinks they serve, but maybe, just maybe, if you’ve got some exceptional company it’ll taste better (I know mine did). Highland Coffees I award you an eight out of 10, have a great day.
Jemiah Clemons | @Miclemah
I ordered a small matcha green tea latte with soy milk and vanilla syrup, and it deserved a 6.5 out of 10. I usually don’t agree with the sentiment of “matcha tastes like grass,” but this time, I have to agree. The drink was grainy and textured while lacking the flavor of the soy milk and vanilla syrup. This drink was kind of disappointing considering it was recommended by the barista.
Matthew Pellittieri | @m_pellittieri
I’ve been to Highland Coffees several times over the last year, so I just went with my usual: a medium roast iced latte made with 2% milk.
Unfortunately, I forgot to ask for a flavor and was forced to drink just espresso and milk. I also drank the bulk of the espresso shot we passed around the table. It smelled like a dumpster, but apparently, that’s just what espresso smells like.
Still, the coffee, as well as the banana bread I ate, was very enjoyable. This outing did nothing to dissuade me from my appreciation of this quaint little coffee shop that I will definitely keep coming back to.
8.5 out of 10
Colin Falcon | @nestingnests
Among my opinion section peers, I was probably the least familiar with the hotspot that is Highland Coffees. Until getting corrected by one of its fans last month, I wasn’t even aware of the “s” at the end of its name. After reflecting on the visit, I’ve come to regret my inexperience, as I’ve been missing out on one of the best study spots that an LSU student could hope for.
To start out, I was immediately struck by the lack of a front door, or at least one accessible from the sidewalk. Getting in requires a short trek through the alley turned outdoor seating area next to the building, which gives the shop a lovely feeling of being tucked away from the world.
Inside, the atmosphere is just as nice. High ceilings and plenty of seating go a long way.
I ordered my coffee, an iced vanilla latte with oat milk, and then my cabal and I grabbed a spot outdoors, so we could bask in the cool, cloudy Friday morning weather. Sitting, sipping the coffee and chatting was exquisite, and if not for the busy schedule looming over me, I would’ve gladly stayed longer than the hour we did.
Overall, I think the shop succeeds through the strength of its vibe. The combination of the quaint metal table and overhead greenery probably contributed to how thoroughly I enjoyed what was probably a very average latte.
I’ll probably be visiting Highland again whenever I’ve got work to do. 10 out of 10 for ambiance. Six out of 10 for the coffee.
Lindsay Bickham | @lindsayymariah
When I first walked into Highland Coffees, I noticed the friendly and welcoming atmosphere projected by the baristas. I also noticed how studious the environment was. It’s the perfect space to study or catch up on work. I was greeted by a friendly and helpful barista when I ordered my drink. This was my first time at Highland, so I wasn’t sure what to order.
The barista recommended I get tea.
I had my reservations, because I’m new to drinking tea, but I loved it. All and all, Highland Coffees is the perfect spot for students on campus who want a new place to study.