Matthew Perschall
Colin headshot
Why did you join the Reveille?
I’d always wanted to be involved with the school paper for mostly journalistic passion-related reasons, but I never worked up the nerve to apply. Then a good friend of mine got promoted and really wanted me to take his old job, so I did. It was honestly a great call, as it’s been a great outlet to channel the love for the printed word that I hold in my heart.
What positions have you held at the Reveille?
I started out in digital as an optimizer. Then I was a news reporter for a summer, and now I’m the editor for the opinion section.
What’s your favorite thing about working at the Reveille?
What’s your favorite story that you’ve written so far?
My bird story! I did a piece about LSU’s Natural Science Museum and its massive collection of bird specimens (over 230,000 bird skins, skeletons and stomach-content samples). It was so much fun learning about the museum’s inner workings and also seeing a lot of cool (dead) birds.
What do you hope to do after graduation?
Where can you be found on social media?
My Instagram is @collln_falcon and my Twitter is @nestingnests.