Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore
Photo: McCarthy speaking
At the start of the 118th Congress, California representative Kevin McCarthy failed to secure a majority of votes for the speaker of the house positions cast on the first ballot. All Democrats and 19 Republicans opposed him, making this the first time since the December 1923 speaker election that the first ballot did not produce a speaker. McCarthy finally received a majority on the 15th vote, delivering an important message about perseverance. McCarthy’s eventual win should be a reminder that anything is possible.
Many people struggle with maintaining a good marriage and divorce is the unfortunate fate they face. The split often leaves both parties looking to find new partners but are hesitant to remarry, given their past experiences. Recent divorcees should feel comforted knowing that if their next marriage fails, they have 13 more bites at the apple before they cross the McCarthy line.
Raising children presents similar problems. Parents know but seldom admit when their offspring are not up to par. Traditional parenting would suggest that parents love even their inadequate children, but in the age of McCarthy, that idea is being challenged. Why focus on trying to fix one child when you could just have more?
There’s no shame in defeat and learning to cut one’s losses early is important. When gamblers lose over and over again, sometimes they go to another game — this approach should be tried with children as well. Once a kid has been rejected from every social group in their school, it’s time to accept defeat. Switch from roulette to slots and hope for a better result from the 14 upcoming pregnancies.
Children of rich parents also struggle with finding something to fill their time and give their life meaning, considering that all of their needs are taken care of. Many of them opened businesses that ultimately failed because of their narrow target audience. Hopefully, the McCarthy vote gave them the courage to continue.
They shouldn’t feel discouraged that their idea to sell gator skin dog collars failed. They should push on to their idea to open a store that sells Call of Cthulhu-themed briefcases.
McCarthy’s eventual win was delayed in part by a disagreement over the house Republicans’ approach to the national debt. Some Republicans aren’t in favor of raising the debt ceiling, which would result in a default.
The estimated cost of this default would be roughly 3 million jobs, leaving the newly unemployed desperate to make money. Naturally, some of them will try get rich quick schemes, and hopefully, they remember the message of McCarthy’s win as well. If the mega vitamin-selling pyramid scheme doesn’t work, don’t hesitate to take out a loan to play the lottery.
Lastly and most importantly, Hillary Clinton should take McCarthy’s vote as an inspiration. Everyone’s favorite girl boss spent her entire life trying to be president and failing, once in hilarious fashion. Joe Biden ended up being the Democrat to take back the White House in 2020 but growing concerns regarding his mental state could open the door for another Clinton to enter the White House.
She should run for president perpetually for the rest of her life. If she loses in 2024, she should begin her next campaign that night during the concession speech. Hillary Clinton’s interminable adrenochrome-fueled presidential run is the best thing that could happen to America, and hopefully, McCarthy’s vote has inspired her to make it a reality.
Frank Kidd is a 21-year-old mass communication junior from Springfield, Virginia.