Dear Santa,
It has been a few years since I’ve last written to you. If I’m honest, it’s because I wasn’t sure if I still believed.
I’ve heard the clichés, “when you believe, you receive” and that “seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.” I know that you know when I’m sleeping and that you know when I’m awake. So how come I’ve never been able to speak to you face-to-face?
Some of my friends told me you aren’t real. They told me that they don’t believe. But my friend, Julian Johnson, who’s 6 years old, said that you are “of course real” with one of his points being “because [the] reindeer eat my food.”
He makes a good point. Who else would be eating the reindeer food? Obviously, it’s being eaten by your reindeer, he said.
Is that true? How could that be? He also told me that it’s really you who leaves presents underneath our Christmas trees.
My friends said the presents come from our parents, but Julian reminded me that “kids want a whole bunch of things and they [parents] are not going to spend half their money on all those gifts.”
“Mom and dad would be like, ‘I don’t feel like it [spending half of their money on gifts],’” Johnson said. So, Santa must be real, and he has a lot of magic.
Julian made another point that helped me believe in you even more. He explained that since you come when we are sleeping, our gifts must come from Santa’s sleigh because our parents would be all “wonky-doodley” in the morning, too tired to enjoy Christmas day.
If they were the ones putting the gifts under the tree, they wouldn’t be excited or surprised like we are on Christmas morning.
My elf on the shelf Jingles gained his magic when my family gave him his name, but Julian said that your magic isn’t formed in that same way.
I asked him to explain more about this subject, and I have to say this conversation is what caused my belief in you to resurrect.
“His magic is impossible to take away,” Johnson said. “His magic isn’t made from names like elves are, his magic is made from the Christmas spirit.”
But what exactly is this “Christmas spirit”?
“Happiness and love,” Johnson said. “That’s what the real Christmas spirit is all about.”
Golly Gee! Maybe he’s right.
Santa spreads laughter and cheer, encourages his elves and reindeer, and fills the stockings and hearts of those that believe in him. The happiness and love that power his magic are two things that can never be taken away.
So, Santa, thanks to our friend Julian, I’m writing to you again. I’ll leave some milk and cookies out for you on Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas, Santa! I believe.
Lauren Madden
Lauren Madden is a 22-year-old mass communication senior from Mandeville.