Director of The Domestic Policy Council Cecilia Muñoz will be answering questions about college affordability on Twitter at 12:30 p.m. today via her handle @Cecilia44.
Students can tweet questions at her using the hashtag “#WHEdchat.”
The Q&A session comes after President Barack Obama introduced the Student Aid Bill of Rights Tuesday. He declared all students have the right to high quality affordable education and fair treatment when receiving or repaying student loans.
Check out the student bill of rights here.
According to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, millions of students are burdened with debt from paying for college, and he is working to lighten students’ load.
Will you be tuning in to today’s Twitter chat? We will be following along at @LSUReveilleNow.
White House to answer Twitter questions on Student Aid Bill of Rights
March 11, 2015
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