At the end of the LSU Governor debate Scott Angelle surprised the audience by calling out David Vitter for his prostitution scandal.
“We can’t have a cavalier attitude about this,” said Angelle. “I understand a serious sin and it’s perhaps a lifestyle that we need to examine.”
He told the audience to watch the online interviews with prostitute Wendy Ellis who discussed her relationship with Vitter.
“There is a shadow that has been cast over Senator Vitter, a shadow that if it continues will follow Louisiana,” said Vitter. “When that follows Louisiana it hurts our ability to create jobs.”
The usual topics of higher education, Louisiana’s economy and the budget were also discussed.
“What we need more than anything is stability and I’m going to bring stability to funding for higher education,” said Jay Dardenne.
The student run debate included questions from a panel and from students on twitter. One student asked the candidates how they are planning to appeal to college students.
“I think I’m actually quite appealing,” said Angelle. “I got a beautiful pink tie, real men wear pink and it looks damn good on me.”
On a serious note, Dardenne said he could relate to students because of his past experience as LSU Student Government President.
“Back then in 1978 I was writing to the government, writing to the legislature pleading for funding for higher education,” said Dardenne. “Not a lot has changed.”
Topics like equal pay for women and raising minimum wage were also discussed by John Bel Edwards.
“Now we are at the top of a very bad list, we are the worst in the nation paying women 66 cents on the dollar,” said Edwards. “A lot of women are working not just for themselves but to raise kids.
Now all the candidates have to do is wait until Saturday, to find out who will be the next governor of Louisiana.
“Its hard to believe the election is upon us I’ve been talking about this as a marathon for so long but now we are in the home stretch and final spring,” said Dardenne.
The Louisiana Governor Debate Recap
October 22, 2015
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