Since it is midterms week and we’re all a little short on time, I’ll spare you the gritty details and sum up this week’s episode in the top 10 moments of the show in no particular order.
1) Dean Munsch cancels Halloween.
She more so puts an early curfew in effect so that everyone is “safe” and Chanel can’t have her corn maze/pumpkin patch/concert. Both Fergies and Maroon 5 were going to be there. She sends out a mass email saying that the party will still happen, only at 12:01 a.m. on Nov. 1.
2) The guy who got his arms cut off is still alive.
Slightly surprising. Despite his new handicap, he is still down to party. “Hell yeah, I am!” he chips in.
3) Grace and Pete accidently walk in on Wes and Gigi having sex.
Nothing kills the mood like your daughter seeing you naked. Pete and Grace were filled with normal amounts of disgust. “We were highfiving…,” says Gigi. Regardless of the awkwardness, Wes and Gigi are continuing to build their relationship through this episode. Dean Munsch is not happy.
4) Chanel goes to jail.
It isn’t clear who exactly told the police, but someone reported that Chanel killed Ms. Bean. She is arrested during class where her “Asian” is helping her with her exam. She nervous burps all the way out, but at least she wore something nice. She makes quick friends with some women that look remarkably close to the cast of “Orange is The New Black.”
5) Denise and Dean Munsch both slept with Chad.
The two share their experiences while Munsch sips on some hard liquor. Munsch was not feeling it at all. Denise, on the other hand, loved every minute of it. Apparently her and Chad both do “extensive character research so there’s a surprising amount of dialogue.”
6) The rift between Chanel and the girls grow.
The main feud is between Chanel and Number five. She is tired of being treated badly. Hester revealed last week her goal is to work her way up the food chain and be with Chad. Jennifer (creepy candle girl) is distraught when she finds out that Chanel burns candles once and then throws them away. The three ban together and devise a plan to get back at Chanel. Hester and Jennifer tell Chanel that Number Five is the one who told the police about Ms. Bean. With all the twists in the show, we’ll never know if Number Five really did.
7) Half of Number Five’s Eiffel Tower twins died.
Chanel punishes Number Five by sending her to the pumpkin patch to light all of the jack-o-lanterns, even though the Red Devil will likely be out and about. The twins go with her and the Red Devil chases them through the maze. Roger and Dodger make Number Five choose one of them to stay with. Dodger (I’m pretty sure) ends up being killed while Number Five and Roger (probably) escape.
8) Denise tazed Gigi in the boobs.
While poking around in the Red Devil’s lair looking for Zayday, Denise and Gigi are armed with Tasers when the Red Devil turns the lights off on them. The Red Devil turns on some sort of chainsaw and Denise tazes Gigi by accident. Gigi then tazes the Red Devil. Denise runs to the next room to tell Pete, Wes and Grace what happened. When they return, the devil escapes after overpowering Gigi, or so she says.
9) Zayday escaped the Red Devil.
Just as the girls are about to vote for the next Kappa president without Grace and Zayday in attendance, Zayday enters. She tells the girls about how the Red Devil let her out of the pit and then served her wine and nachos. Zayday stabbed the Red Devil in the hand and got away. Grace rushes in and confirms Zayday’s story.
10) Gigi is working with the Red Devil.
Or she’s in charge of the red devil. The last scene shows Gigi being stalked by him until them meet. Gigi says, “You’re late. That got way out of hand. He’s gotta go, you understand me? Good. Take care of it,” as she heads to her salad date.
RECAP: ‘Scream Queens’ – season one, episode five
October 15, 2015
SCREAM QUEENS: L-R: Lea Michele, Keke Palmer, Skyler Samuels and guest star Jeanna Han in the “Seven Minutes In Hell” episode of SCREAM QUEENS airing Tuesday, Oct. 20 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2015 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Patti Perret/FOX.
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