LSUPD will host Public Safety Day outside the LSU Student Union on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., according to an email from LSUPD. LSU Student Government members will be on hand to help coordinate the event and run stations.
The event is designed to inform students about different safety resources offered on campus. Organizations and campaigns, such as the LSU Women’s Center and the It’s on Us program, will be highlighted, though SG senator Jeaux Zerkus said the LSU Shield app would be spotlighted.
The mobile app enables students to contact emergency services and file non-emergency reports through LSUPD. Unlike calling 911, the app directly connects students to LSUPD rather than the Baton Rouge Police Department.
“A lot of students don’t know what it is,” Zerkus said. “It connects you directly to LSUPD so they can get to you faster.”
Zerkus, who is the chair for the LSU Student Senate’s Campus Affairs and Sustainability committee, said he is unsure if Public Safety Day will be held each semester or annually.
Zerkus said SG is working on two other events in coming weeks.
On Nov. 3, SG will join with campus departments, such as the Office of Facility Services, on a “light walk” where groups walk around campus looking for areas that need additional lighting.
Light walk participants split into teams, spending an hour identifying and reporting problem areas to Facility Services. Zerkus said the problems are usually dealt with quickly.
Problems usually include replacing light bulbs, adding lights and trimming trees so they do not block any lights.
Zerkus said the light near the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house in particular has been an issue. It keeps flickering even though the bulb has been replaced.
“I don’t know at this point if it’s the light pole or if Facility Services just can never quite get out there before other things come up,” Zerkus said. “But we’re really trying to follow through with it better this time.”
Zerkus said SG will likely do another light walk next semester to check if the issues were resolved.
On Nov. 19, SG will hold a bike auction where students can purchase bikes that LSUPD tagged as abandoned. SG tries to hold the auction every semester, but it depends on the number of bikes tagged. The auction will be held between the Union and Coates Hall.
“Anybody that needs a bike will be able to purchase one, usually for pretty cheap,” Zerkus said.
The Senate recently passed legislation asking LSU Parking and Transportation Services to repaint crosswalks, and Zerkus said there should be more campus safety related legislation coming soon.
“We’re working on some other general safety things,” Zerkus said. “Mostly with the lighting and some of it with Disability Services trying to get more buildings up to code.”
LSUPD set to host Public Safety Day
October 27, 2015