LSU needs one major improvement to campus, a napping center with a BYOB rule: Bring your own blankets.
LSU students need a place where during the day we can sleep during our free time. Students already sleep on benches, hammocks and even the grass. Why not give everyone a more comfortable option?
This is a great addition because not everyone has the option to go home during their breaks, especially those living off campus. By strategically assigning a building for napping, there can be a location where all students can enjoy a midday nap.
The best place to have this service is in Middleton Library. People already use the basement floor for sleeping and few people venture down there. Why not use the most of a quiet secluded area?
The napping area could have individual cubicles with beds where students can swipe to gain access. One of the many desk assistants LSU has can monitor the area and sign students in and out.
The center should only have small one person beds to make this program cost efficient. Students should bring their own blankets and pillows if they would like to sleep comfortably, because it would be gross to share.
Placing the location in the library will benefit students who want to stay on campus or meet up with others to study. Students may be more motivated do their work on campus or in the library if they can get some rest between studying and classes.
It’s unfortunate we would take out all of the government documents on the bottom floor. Everyone knows it is such a popular section of literary works, but we must all make sacrifices for improvement.
The documents on the bottom floor could be moved to another floor or put into storage with digital access available. If anyone requests a hardcopy of any documents, the library can fetch it for them.
If LSU isn’t willing to give up the library basement, one of the many buildings on the south side of campus can be renovated and refitted. There are plenty of run-down buildings, and – with funding – they would be a perfect place to nap within walking distance of the quad.
The university could make quite a profit by placing vending machines filled with Benadryl, melatonin or other sleep aids. Snack and drink sales would likely increase at the Community Coffee if placed in the library.
The project can be administered by the LSU Student Health Center as an improvement to the mental health of students. Students can vote for a tuition increase to cover the cost of the project. This worked well for the LSU lazy river and UREC expansion, so what could go wrong?
With the introduction of a napping center, LSU would be among the leading universities in providing mental health assistance for students. Student government should demand this necessary addition to campus.
Garrett Marcel is a 21-year-old petroleum engineering senior from Houma, Louisiana. You can reach him on Twitter @Gret419.
Opinion: Middleton should offer a napping center
October 25, 2015

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