Dear white people: No, you cannot say the n-word.
Although it isn’t taught in history courses, everyone should hopefully know the word n—a was extracted from the word n—er, which has an immensely long history, dating back to slavery.
For that reason alone, white people shouldn’t say it nor should they want to.
“I don’t care if you say honky,” or “You can call me cracker” are not in the same ballpark. The word honky came about when white men would drive into black communities and honk their horns to get a black prostitute’s attention because they were scared to get out of the car. Cracker was used to insult poor white men, mainly in the Northeast.
How dare you compare those words to one that was used to describe black people that were beaten, raped, sold and belittled every day of their lives. The derogatory term was created to be used as a weapon of oppression.
Even after years of slavery into the ’50s and ’60s, white people called black people the n-word in an attempt to establish their supremacy.
We’re in another Civil Rights era, so the fact that the n-word is still thrown around adds insult to injury. It would be different if we lived in a country where black people were equal to white people, but we don’t.
To many black people, the n-word is still a racial slur with the same meaning it had centuries ago.
Yes, rappers and comedians use the word and make it sound funny, but that doesn’t make it acceptable for white people to use. In recent weeks, there has been huge hype over the rap group N.W.A because of the release of the movie “Straight Outta Compton” — in which the “N” stands for “n—as.”
When the group emerged, there was controversy surrounding the use of the word, but the difference is the members know the history of it. They formed their group in a time when black people were called the n-word to minimize them. N.W.A reclaimed the word for themselves.
Black people should also begin to retire the word. However, it is not as imperative for them to do it as it is for white people. If a black person wants to refer to themselves as the n-word, then so be it. Who are you to stop someone from referring to themselves?
The “if a black person can say it, so can I” argument is extremely weak and a double standard. Unless you’re fighting for black people’s equality in all arenas, then you shouldn’t be arguing about fairness when it comes to using the n-word.
Not to mention, this is the only word a black person can say that a white person can’t in a social setting.
Many black people don’t blink an eye when they hear other black people say “n—a” but as soon as a white person fixes their mouth to say it, they are ready to jump down their throat. In reality, no one can keep you from using certain words, but just like the infamous Paula Deen, be prepared for backlash.
You can’t blame black people for getting defensive when hearing a white person say the n-word. It is natural to fire back when you hear something that was derived from so much hate.
Clarke Perkins is a 19-year-old political science sophmore from New Orleans. You can reach her on Twitter @ClarkePerkins.
OPINION: White people should not use the n-word
September 9, 2015
Civil rights advocate Dorothy Cotton, who worked closely with Martin Luther King Jr., discusses the civil rights movement and the lessons she learned April 18, 2013, at the Civil Rights Forum in the Holliday Forum.
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