You know the ultra-religious people you see all the time in Free Speech Plaza? Well, tomorrow there will be hundreds of them at the PMAC.
Gov. Bobby Jindal is hosting a prayer rally called “The Response.” The American Family Association, known for spreading intolerance and hate throughout the country, is sponsoring this event.
In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center registered the AFA as a hate group. On the group’s website, there is a tab entitled “Is AFA a hate group?”
AFA, if you have to convince people that you’re not a hate group, then you probably are.
AFA has a prayer guide on The Response’s website. In it, the organization blames Hurricane Katrina on the acceptance of LGBT people. Apparently God was so angry with who someone slept with that he wiped out an entire city.
Chris Barrett, English professor and Spectrum faculty advisor, said she was concerned for the safety of LSU’s LGBT population regarding having a registered hate group on LSU’s campus.
“I sent an open letter imploring [LSU President F. King Alexander] not to allow the rally to happen on campus,” she said. “That was a Saturday when I sent the message. Wednesday I got an invitation from his office to meet with him.”
Barrett wasn’t the only one. Other student leaders from around campus were at this meeting.
At the meeting, Alexander said they couldn’t pick and choose which groups were allowed to use campus facilities. They’re protected under the First Amendment. As long as they can pay $18,500, anyone can rent out LSU’s facilities.
The University’s administration went on to discuss ways to produce alternative events to “The Response,” and the vice chancellor even said that he’d be happy to take part in
protest events.
On a philosophical level, I commend the administration for allowing people to practice their First Amendment right. And on a personal level, I’m glad our vice chancellor stands up to bigotry on campus.
It’s one thing to get told you’re going to Hell when religious extremists are swarming Free Speech Plaza. They’re irrelevant and, honestly, who cares what they think?
But it’s both Jindal’s and Alexander’s faults the AFA is coming to our campus. By endorsing these bigots, they’re legitimizing them.
Our governor turned his back on teachers, education, our own budget and now the LGBT community. Is F. King Alexander going to follow in his footsteps?
The AFA is the only one on its own side, and it’s not even Louisiana-based. They’re bigots from Mississippi with archaic beliefs.
And who actually wants endorsements from Mississippi? They are literally the only reason we’re not the poorest and most uneducated state in America.
Louisiana needs more than a man who alienates the entire LGBT community in his state. How can any gay or transgender person in Louisiana feel safe under Jindal’s leadership?
Cody Sibley is a 19-year-old mass communication freshman from Opelousas, Louisiana. You can reach him on Twitter at @CodySibley.
Opinion: Bobby Jindal is endorsing bigotry in Louisiana
By Cody Sibley
January 23, 2015
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