Governor Bobby Jindal is hosting a prayer rally titled, The Response, at the Pete Mavarich Assembly Center on January 24.
According to the event’s official website the rally is a response to the “financial debt, terrorism and multitude of natural disasters” the nation has faced recently.
The rally is sponsored by the American Family Association (AFA) and will include a keynote speech by Gov. Jindal, praying and fasting. The AFA has met controversy in the past due to opposition and negative comments towards LGBT rights and individuals, Muslims, Native Americans and others.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has deemed the organization a hate group due to their negative and derogatory statements.
The event has garnered outrage from on-campus organizations leading to the creation of counter protest Organize, Reflect, Act: A Day of Action for Justice in Louisiana.
The protest planned by public administration graduate Peter Jenkins is a “community response” to the rally and intends to display that the community’s values doesn’t reflect those of the AFA.
The counter protest has over 800 guest on Facebook and will be attended by students and faculty.