Following the arrest of Trey Lealaimatafao earlier on Thursday, junior quarterback Anthony Jennings and two other LSU football players were arrested by LSUPD.
All four players have been suspended indefinitely.
“We have suspended these players,” said LSU coach Les Miles in statement released by the team. “It has been our policy to suspend players who have been involved with legal issues.”
Jennings, sophomore defensive lineman Maquedius Bain and junior defensive back Dwayne Thomas were arrested and booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison with unauthorized entry into a inhabited dwelling, the Advocate reported. Thomas was additionally booked on simple burglary.
Lealaimatafao, a redshirt freshman defensive tackle, was arrested and booked with simple battery and simple robbery, which is a felony, according to the Advocate.
Jennings, Bain and Thomas’ arrests originated from an incident in the West Campus apartments Sunday while Lealaimatafao’s arrest stemmed from a bar fight at Reggie’s on Tuesday, the Advocate reported.
Three of the players were released on bond Thursday night. Jennings and Bain both had a bond of $5,000 while Thomas had a $10,000 bond. Lealaimatafao remains in jail facing a $15,000 bond, according to the Advocate.
Jennings started 12 of 13 games last season and was expected to battle sophomore quarterback Brandon Harris for the starting job in 2015.Thomas recorded five starts at cornerback before his 2014 season ended with a serious knee injury. Bain came off the bench in 10 games last season.
Anthony Jennings and two other LSU football players arrested
June 18, 2015