Five years is a long time. Pop stars died, the economy tanked and a new president was elected in the time since New Mexico-based The Shins released their last album, “Wincing the Night Away.” That gives their fourth album, “Port of Morrow,” a lot to live up to. It doesn’t disappoint. The album bounces along, jumping from the easy beats of the aptly-named “Simple Song” to the crazy oddity of the album-closing title track. There’s no single style of music on the album – it changes with each song. This is confusing at first, but it’s a refreshing change after multiple listens. “Port of Morrow” isn’t as good as “Wincing the Night Away” – there’s no doubt about that. But it is a solid, enjoyable album with the vintage sound of The Shins throughout, so fans shouldn’t hesitate to pick it up.
Grade: B
Contact Taylor Balkom at [email protected]
RevRanks: The Shins, “Port of Morrow”
March 22, 2012