Editor’s note: Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by presidential candidates’ last names.
Filing for Student Government spring elections began Monday and closed Wednesday at 4:30 p.m.
General elections will be held March 26 and 27.
The candidates for SG president and vice president include:
-Internet trade and finance junior Baptiste “Bat” Brunner IV for president and English junior Madeleine Davis for vice president.
-Mass communication juniors Taylor Cox for president and Carrie Hebert for vice president.
-Mass communication juniors Landon Hester for president and Kristina Lagasse for vice president.
-The final ticket is made up of fraternal twins in communication studies junior Joshua Hollins for president and his brother, general business junior Joseph Hollins for vice president.
Contact Danielle Kelley at [email protected]
Student Government presidential candidates file for spring election
March 1, 2012