The Student Government senate passed a resolution pledging its support to an anti-bullying bill set to be heard at the state capitol this legislative session.
House Bill 407, better known as the Bullying Prevention Act of 2012, would clearly define the ways in which bullying takes place and set up a structure for handling instances of bullying in public schools. A similar bill was struck down under fierce opposition by the Louisiana Family Forum because it claimed the bill encouraged homosexuality.
SG Senators Caffarel, Gaurisco and Taylor co-authored the resolution voicing support for the bill. They said sexual orientation and gender identity were just two of many characteristics that the bill would protect.
Senator Mills pledged her support to the bill and gave testimony on the effect bullying had on her autistic brother. She said without legislation such as House Bill 407, bullies would go undisciplined and victims would remain isolated, intimidated and hurt by their words and actions. Mills urged not only passage of the bill, but unanimous approval.
The senate obliged and the newly approved legislation was accepted with a standing ovation.
Contact Paul Braun at [email protected]
SG passes resolution to support anti-bullying state legislation
March 19, 2012