A new lab for oil and gas research opened in Patrick F. Taylor Hall on Wednesday in collaboration with the Chevron Corporation.
The Chevron Characterization Lab is located on the third floor of Patrick Taylor, where an array of disciplines will have the chance to work with advanced technology.
The lab’s main goal is to further research gas and oil reservoir modeling, according to a College of Engineering news release.
Through the LSU Foundation, Chevron funded the lab that will house computers with software that students can use to “shift from observation to exploration” when studying petroleum engineering.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held Wednesday morning, when students demonstrated the new technology.
Chevron’s support is part of the company’s University Partnership Program. The funding for the lab was part of a $900,000 pledge made by Chevron in 2009.
The College of Engineering will be the sole resident of Patrick Taylor once the College of Business completes its move to the Business Education Complex, but the lab has been planned for a while, according to Cassie Arceneaux, assistant director of communications for the College of Engineering.
“There was a plan for development well before business was moving out,” Arceneaux said.
Petroleum engineering majors are not the only students who will benefit from the state-of-the-art lab. It will also benefit students in the areas of geology and geophysics, the release said.
Contact Brian Sibille at [email protected]
Chevron Lab opens on campus
March 20, 2012